
The E-ISFA e.V. is registered as a non-profit association based in Rostock under the number VR 10461 at the Amtsgericht Rostock and has the tax number 079/141/19426 at the Finanzamt Rostock. You can find the bylaws here.

The association has ordinary, associate and sustaining members as well as honorary and retired members.

Ordinary members of the association must also be ordinary members of the ISFA and pay a full membership fee either to ISFA or to E-ISFA. Ordinary members are natural persons whose clinical, scientific, technical and/or or organisational activities are focused on the field of apheresis and pay a full membership fee.

Associated members of the association are natural persons whose clinical, scientific, technical and/or or organisational activities are focused on the field of apheresis and pay a reduced membership fee either to ISFA or E-ISFA.

Natural or legal persons who support the further development of apheresis and feel a connection to the purposes of the association may be sustaining members of the association. “Corporate members” of ISFA that have their business address in the territory in which the association is active will become sustaining members of the association automatically upon application, provided that they pay a full membership fee either to ISFA or to E-ISFA.

Persons who have earned special merit by supporting the purposes of the association, or otherwise, may be appointed as honorary members by the Executive Committee. Honorary members are exempted from the payment of membership fees.

The Executive Committee may exempt retired members from the payment of membership fees upon application. The retirement shall be proved credibly.

Ordinary and associate members have a voting right, a right to vote in elections and the right to submit nominations for elections and to make motions at general meetings. Said rights may only be exercised personally. Ordinary members have the right to be elected, as well. The sustaining, honorary and retired members participate in advisory capacity. Those members do not have any further rights.



Except for honorary members and members excempt from fees, all members pay a yearly due.

Ordinary members pay a annual membership fee of 50 €.

Associated members pay a reduced annual membership fee of 25 €.

The membership fees of sustaining members dependent on status are

  • for member with "gold" status: 10,000 €
  • for members with "silver" status: 5,000 €
  • for members with "bronze" status: 1,500 €

Sustaining members may voluntarily pay higher fees.

All membership fees will be paid via direct debiting procedure (SEPA).

The current membership fee regulations as of 31 May 2023 can be downloaded here (pdf).


Become a member

Applications for membership can be filed by letter or email. You are also welcome to use our contact form.

Name Title Birthdate Email Homepage Membership ordinary member
associate member
sustaining member "gold"
sustaining member "silver"
sustaining member "bronze"
Position/department Insititution/company Address Country Telephone Fax I am a member of ISFA
ISFA membership number I hereby agree to the bylaws and membership fee regulations of E-ISFA e.V. and support the statutory goals of E-ISFA e.V. (show bylaws)

Direct debiting mandate (SEPA)

SEPA direct debiting mandate for recurring payments

Creditor identifier: DE06ZZZ00002002038
Mandate reference: will be supplied in writing

This SEPA direct debiting mandate applies for the yearly membership fee of E-ISFA e.V.

Note: I can demand the refund of the debited value within eight weeks starting at debit date. The terms and conditions as stipulated by my credit institution apply.

Account holder Credit institution IBAN BIC I/We authorize E-ISFA e.V. to collect payments from my/our account by use of direct debiting procedure. Likewise, I/we authorize my/our credit institution to honour direct debits by E-ISFA e.V. on my/our account.